Rob pawar

4 years ago

I gav it a 5 star when I was working there. Was i...

I gav it a 5 star when I was working there. Was into training learning and development, the Only trainer in the most productive process here: NIIT.
Being there gave me a lot of experience to interact and work with each and every vertical of the company. Including HR, IT, Admin, Operations and the Top management as well.

Worked here for 7 months, wherein two months I didn't take even a single leave, worked around 2 hours extra everyday.
Plus took atleast of a dozen initiatives which are basics for any organisation's Training, learning and development Domain. Not even one was executed properly despite the blueprint of the same getting excellent rating and extremely warm welcome from the client.

Issues, if I start writing, might take atleast 3 hours and wud put the designations of a lot In grave danger.
Employee exploitation and straightaway unethical and fraudulent ways to demoralize the employees then let them Leave is a constant feature.
During my tenure at NIIT, the process had a headcount of 90+ each of whom had incentives, huge amounts pending. above 30k averagely (which varied 80k to 1 lac per employee as well). For over 4 months the employees were waiting for their earned and much deserved money but each employee's effort were brutally sidelined citing the reason of a big scam, uncovered by client-side audit team and the scam involved unbelievably shocking data fudging which actually was the work from the process owners, not the tellecallers.

The same fudging was a constant feature everymonth but as the cover up was so smart that client cudnot reach there. The representative from the client side was on a holiday everyday, never bothered to look up into any hassle. Came once or twice a week and left within a couple of hours. No assistance what so ever from the representative, who himself was a major part of the unethical activities which involved data fudging of critical level, denial of the incentives earned by the employees despite of getting them from the client end.

The next step was to make them go through a real mental agony as if that was not enough, employees were asked to spend two hours extra everyday, were ordered to come on weekends as well with no breaks whatsoever in between. Out of 90 employees which were working there 65 left, pressed to forfeit and forget their incentives. Moreover, At the time of leaving, not even the salary was credited.

It's been 7 months since I left, was asked to put down my papers upon asking the reason for which I got the reply "We don't care ". Whatsoever I put the papers down coz of my inability to fight the extremely deep-rooted and strongly connected Corruption network.

Whatever, I am still waiting for my FnF, which according to the HR could not be processed coz of Karvy's take over. I know though that Karvy doesn't have to do anything with it.

I Think Now, as it has been acquired by Karvy Digical can be seen as a good place to work as the acquirer has been very aggressive in its decisions to weed out the mismanagement and took real fast and effective moves right in its first month after the acquisition.

Digicall, as an organization has a hope of becoming a good place to work at. The sole reason being, Karvy.

But if u talk about the experience during my stay there, Not good.
Not good at all.


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