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Review of Academy of Art

4 years ago

This school is pretty decent, the only thing I thi...

This school is pretty decent, the only thing I think they should really fix is their tutoring online session, because when i was trying to get online tutoring, the online tutoring was not was all over the place and not very organized. If you do decided to apply to this school please make sure you ask the important questions, such as, what is the maximum classes you have to take when taking classes online, How much you are paying for classes every semester, and finally make sure the academic counselor, tell you how long you have until you graduate and all the supplies you need because, I was taking Anaysis and Form FND 110. The councelor only shown me how to purchase my school supplies offline, they had also a tab that is called "General Supplies" I was not told i need a figure and the geometric shapes.

Lastly, I also did not like the way the format of the online student portal was setup. After going through orientation, most teachers expect you to automatically grasp and understand the entire student portal over night, when it is impossible. Another thing i did not like is, every semester, you can only talk with an instructor in online email, and sometimes they take forever to reply. The school do not allow most instructors to talk through skype or by phone. In addition to that, they give you up to four tries to resubmit an assignment per module and once your four tries are up, they do not allow you to resubmit your work anymore. some teachers will just give you a punishing grade even though you put in the effort to get your grade up. When I was taking FND110 Anaysis and Form, my teacher name was Miller Cristen, she gave me a 62% on my first semester assignment for module 1. I was so disappointed and i felt like quitting and going back to my other art school. most teacher use the grading system as an excuse to rip students off considering they put in a lot of money to be there and the effort.

Please really think long and twice and when you get a phone call from them after applying, do not sign up for anything until you get the answers you need. This school they make you take four classes full time which is too much, it feels you are at a university taking online class's. I hope that this message reach out to someone, and that they do not make the mistakes as I have.

Another thing I forgot to mention, and it seems that some instructors have a ha it in doing this which is anot her thing, I dI'd not like about his school. When working on an assignment and just because your artwork is not meeting up to their "high status " standards they grade down on every thing strictly even though you are putting in the effort to do better. Also instead of the instructors telling you in honesty up front, about a few suggestions as to what to work on or what are some things such that could help you get better, they would email the orientation teacher behind your back saying that basically your artwork skills are poor in class and that you need help. One day I spoke to my orientation teacher concerning this issue, she kinda disappointed regarded everything I said and made it see, like tutoring is my only hope in doing quote on quote " doing better" in class ( even though online tutoring was not much help) the online tutoring setup is like a workshop, where they have one tutor tutoring a bunch of students one by one.....which is ridiculoustill and it needs to be more organized. Overall if or for those of you that are currently taking courses online with AAU ( Art Academy University) just be aware that majority of these instructors do not care rather you pass or fail and they will not tell you honestly of what are some of the main things to improve on and or any suggestions. They will email the orientation instructor about everything which is stupid. When they could have told you what you need to work on considering you paid a lot of money and effort in class. So something to be aware of, also another thing too, even though you are using Pell grant to go to school on, you have to pay 120.00 for registration fee every semester.


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