Bon Voisin

3 years ago

This CSB grabbed a chunk of our 2016 state tax ref...

This CSB grabbed a chunk of our 2016 state tax refund against a medical bill that they allegedly claimed against our adult son. This CSB claimed that they saw our son back in 2012, when he was 21 years old, and had billed him for their service. We never saw such a bill at the time, and our our son said that he did not either. 5 years later this year, CSB requested the Taxation Department to withhold the amount of our son's alleged 2012 bill from our state tax refund. In 2012, we had claimed our son as dependent because he had been a student, but he was an adult (21 years old). We stopped claiming him as dependent starting in 2014. CSB created a fake account for our son's mother at CSB, in order to justify its grabbing of our tax refund. We have tried to resolve this situation via letters and phone calls, but CSB has refused to answer some of our questions in writing. One main question was for CSB to show us the Virginia Law that would allow them to intercept our tax refund and deduct from it the amount that CSB allegedly claimed for our son's 2012 medical fee. CSB insisted on a verbal hearing, which we were ready to attend, but we were waiting for CSB's written response. Instead of responding to our questions in writing, they went ahead and requested the Tax Department to release our tax refund to them (falsely accusing us that we forfeited the hearing). We believe that CSB (an agency sponsored in full or in part by Virginians' taxes), by this action, has abused its status and wrongfully grabbed our tax refund. We will continue to fight this CSB's abuse, and alert citizens to be extra prudent in dealing with this agency.


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