Dorothy Olson

3 years ago

They do a lot of good for a lot of people. However...

They do a lot of good for a lot of people. However, they seem to favor addicted homeless people. More men than women. Didn't seem to care so much for someone that doesn't have an addiction. I am a 60 year old disabled woman that is depressed and suffers from PTSD as well. They did help me to secure housing. But I was promised that I would have social services for about a year after I moved into my new home. They lied. They dropped my case in just a couple of months, I wasn't even notified when they did it. Found out when I contacted my Social Worker for help on an application. He informed me at that time that whatever he would do for me would be a favor as I was no longer a client. I then called another Caritas Social Worker that I had worked with. She no longer wroked there. But I talked to a lady and told her my problem. She said the Supervisor would be calling me. Never did. Beware of what they promise. It also seemed that unless you complain all the time, they don't seem to believe you are struggling when you tell them you are. Also, they filled out these applications for me in the past. Did it on the computer. Never showed me how to do it, nor did I get usernames or passwords. They also knew I didn't own a computer. So they threw me into a new environment that's scary especially for someone who has been homeless with no support at all. I'm not talking financial support, just a few social services. They told me that they wouldn't do that, but that's exactly what they did. I'm still worried about being able to fill out all the paperwork I will need to do to keep my housing. They just didn't seem to care. I thought their agenda was to keep people from becoming homeless again. I guess I was wrong. It's like if you have any compentacy at all, once they help you, they're in a hurry to drop you. I also think it's worth noting, that when they first out me in housing, it was in a place with predators. Addicted people, sex offenders, thieves, abusive people. I didn't get fair warning that would be the case as I had to have a background check. You would think they would tell an older disabled woman that is also depressed and suffers from PTSD that these would be my neighbors. But no. They knew of my problems and knew I didn't have addiction problems. I'm grateful for the housing, I just wish someone would have cared for my safety. When I brought it up, I was told by the Social Worker at the time, that if I didn't feel safe, I could move. Knowing that no I couldn't move at that time. I just think they could have said something. Don't trust your neighbors, don't socialize with the neighbors something. I figured if I had to get a background check, then they probably wouldn't admit anyone with an extensive criminal background. I was wrong about that as well.


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