William Price

3 years ago

Update 4/17/20:

Update 4/17/20:
The owner, K.Halpin, called me directly and explained that this should not have happened and apologized. She mentioned that they had previously had an issue on the other side of the building and I just happened to receive the brunt of the previous interaction. She apologized and said that I should not have had the interaction and should not have been questioned in that way. She went on to say that I am always welcome to visit and to stop by next time I m in the area.

We concluded the call by discussing how the pandemic has affected our lives. I told her that I appreciated the call.

Initial post 4/16/20:
During the pandemic on April 16, 2020 at 4:00 PM, I was out on a run prior to going to LaCenterra to choose a restaurant to support post-run. When I stopped in the parking lot to stretch in front of your business 2 employees came out on separate occasions and one asked, We just want to know what you are doing in our parking lot!

Since I was dressed in Nike running shorts, RunHouston 10k finisher shirt, Nike running hat, Oakley running sunglasses, hand held amphipod water bottle, Plantronics running headphones, running armband for my iPhone X, Brooks running shoes, I wondered why the question was asked to me. Many questions ran through my mind of why I would be asked this question out of 10 s of 100 s of people that pass by in our active community.

Prior to making assumptions, I will ask you directly - is it a customary business practice for your employees to go into the parking lot to ask this type question to people that pass by?

Based on my action of stretching or my attire should others in the community expect the same line of questions as they pass by with similar attire or behavior?

I do not mind upgrading my review based on your response. I am sure there is something I am overlooking.


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