3 years ago

I wasn't impressed at all with the services provid...

I wasn't impressed at all with the services provided here. The group sessions for the IOP program didn't seem well coordinated, well managed or well supervised by anyone there. By the end of it we really didn't feel that it helped much. Then out of nowhere, I received an email from the owner, Martin Slutsky, with a PDF attachment of a bill we supposedly owed. The name and address on the bill were not ours, nor was the account number. I responded to him to ask him to clarify, since none of the information matched up and we never missed a payment regardless. I signed my response with my full name so he would see it and (hopefully) check it against whatever info he had.

He responded to me "Our records show that your child [redacted] was seen here and that you signed all the legal papers as responsible for the bill. We copied your driver s license." I removed the child's name for their privacy, but needless to say it was not my child's name. I replied to him that it wasn't my child, and asked to see the copy of the drivers licence he claimed to have.

He didn't reply and I was getting nervous that maybe someone somehow got a copy of my licence and had used it there. So I called the office. The woman at the front desk (who was very nice and helpful) looked up the account in question and assured me that the licence on file for that account was not mine, and confirmed that the email listed on that account was not mine either, and then told me "I know he's had some back and forth with this account trying to get this paid off. He must have mixed up the emails."

So I emailed Martin Slutsky again to inform him that I spoke with his staff, and that his receptionist assured me that the account he was threatening me with collections over was, in fact, not my account. He still has not responded to me to acknowledge the mistake or apologize.

I don't know the in's and out's of HIPPA and medical privacy and all of that, but I feel like carelessly sending bills with patients information and types of treatment is frowned upon. And how do you possibly mix up the email on file from one account to another?


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