3 years ago


First Misconception is that they The DEO UN-EMPLOYMENT SERVICES are there to help you. People are now starting now to realize what an individual citizen already knew before the influx of those interested and in need of services. It has been said that "if man is a minority of one we lock him up" Things will now change because of the truth exposure to many now in need. You have to understand that what the system of in- justice relies upon is the publics perception of a fairly run and caring service. After all it is a funding from your employer and is supposed to be an entitlement when in need. Right? Well let the truth be told is that the Gov. DEO cohorts Just don t care and they still get paid and they know that no one can make us do what is right. The only exception is that now people an a large scale are experiencing the difficult, tedious requirements that are expected with a form that needs to be filled out and documents to be uploaded constantly. I know this from assisting an relative who fell on hard times due to his employer of several years whom ran out of work. He made $15 an hour. Never applied in 10 years or more. It took several weeks to get a payment of only $195.00 every 2 weeks while having to comply with detailed job search requirements and a grilling of information with threats of imprisonment out of this world! It didn t take long to realize that these people had designed a pre-programed service of Un-Employment that served to discourage participation of the program through confusion and Intimidation (these people will threaten and track you for a penny that was un -intentionally / accidentally not reported). He was back to work soon and only got maybe 3 checks in total of $195.00 every two weeks. We reported every single penny. We then began to receive threatening letters claiming that we had some how scammed unemployment. They actually claimed the money back when he later filed taxes. An honest lifelong tax paying American who has worked all of his life as a law abiding citizen reduced to a common welfare thief by his own country who he would have proudly served and protected. We the people all fund this lawless unaccountable Government with our lives and Taxes.


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