Megan Harden

3 years ago

Dr. Oskin has helped my baby and myself drasticall...

Dr. Oskin has helped my baby and myself drastically. I found Arizona Natural Health Center though a google search shortly after my first son was born. I spoke with Dr. Oskin one time and his advice helped guide me toward books that taught me about healthy ways to help my son though better eating habits to stop his ear infections without using antibiotics. Fast forward 3 more years and I have had another baby with ear infection after ear infection, and 4 months straight of antibiotics without ease of the infections. I again found Dr. Oskin and this time pursued treatment with him for my son and myself. My 9 month old had gone up to the last antibiotic, was lethargic all the time, woke up every 3 hours crying at night, and was referred to get tubes in his ears. The ENT said it was more of an elective surgery...so for my 9 MONTH OLD, I decided not to risk the possible death of anesthesia and to see what Homeopathy was all about. Since being treated with homeopathy for the past 6 months, my son has had 2 small ear infections that went away within 3 days and is able to sleep through the night without pain. I get sleep and most importantly, he hasn't had antibiotics since we started treatment here. If you have a baby, I highly recommend seeing Dr. Oskin for ear infections. Get the second opinion before subjecting your child to antibiotics and tubes that can, in most cases, be avoided.
After 10 years of visiting different doctors to figure out why I am always feeling run down and have super bad allergies to the air, in 6 months, I have almost cleared up my allergies and feel remarkably better when eating food and since my son sleeps now! I am still working on my eating habits and learning about different ways I can heal myself, however I feel and look better since coming to Arizona Natural Health Center. I have support and guidance/coaching to help with my success.
The staff is extremely friendly and very knowledgeable. If my son is sick on the weekend, I can call my Doctor and get his help instead of always rushing to urgent care for an opinion.
I highly recommend meeting with the Doctors here if you have ailments and are looking for help that doesn't require side effects that will not benefit you. Homeopathy has helped my sanity, and my family. Thank you Dr. Oskin, Carlos, Lexi, Maria and the rest of the team for all your help!


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