3 years ago

As a former resident at sequel pomegranate I would...

As a former resident at sequel pomegranate I would like to share my personal experience with you. I was there for exactly 3 months and I promise you those were the worst 3 months of my life. I went in for a suicide attempt and was only supposed to be there a week. The acute unit is really nice and comfortable but when I got sent to celso (residential unit) without my parents premission, I found it very out of control. There is constant yelling screaming and fighting amongst the residents, the staff just sit back and watch. I ve watched girls get sent to the hospital multiple times, I ve watched girls sneak into other girls rooms to have sex and staff hit the residents. The cpst and therapists pick out there favorites and give them special treatment. The nurses ignored my medical needs for weeks and being pregnant when I was there didn t help at all. I felt as if my life was in danger everyday and as all the stress was building up they wouldn t let us go take a nap or lie down. And when we had the opportunity to they took our quiet time away as a punishment for one residents behaviors. The level system sucks, one person starts acting up you lose your level. No homepasses or special privileges after you ve been so good. DO NOT SEND YOUR KID HERE especially not celso the staff do not know how to control the kids.


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