4 years ago

Update- I did speak with the woman that responded ...

Update- I did speak with the woman that responded to my post and she was very kind and answered my questions as best she could. I very much appreciate the helping hand she extended; she didn't have to. She explained that somehow my "lottery" had been called and passed two and half years ago, unfortunately I never got the letter. :-( Having information and an answer is all a person can ask for.
This is a tough position for renters/home buyers to find themselves in and there are only so many resources out there. I know what some of them are now.

Thank you! :-)

I called in to get some information and got the distinct impression that the person on the other side of the phone wasn't fully invested or interested in exploring my first question or any others. This was confirmed when the person I was attempting to speak with engaged in a conversation with a coworker or other individual.

I would advise that staff focus on the person they're dealing with, and/or prioritize conversations. Because my first question wasn't clearly answered and my follow up not answered at all, I'll call the main Housing and Urban Development national number in order to get answers to my general questions.


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