Rick Deckard

4 years ago

They get many things wrong and they only get a few...

They get many things wrong and they only get a few things right, here at the VMC! Perhaps I'll make a list or two of what those things are...at some point.

Right now, however, I wanna talk about what they did that pissed me off most recently!

We, here in Philly, were supposed to have gotten, something like, 8 - 14 inches of snow, from the night of January 26th to the morning of January 27th, 2015, due to a major snow event. It was a blizzard, literally! The meteorologists were predicting it for days before it, was supposed to have, happened and they got it wrong.

On Monday, the 26th, they were telling us that the VMC may be closed the next day, Tuesday. And that we should call before we leave to come down here. Now, you might think that this is good advice, eh?!

Well, what kind of a message do you think an organization, such as the VMC, sends when they aren't even answering the phone when someone calls?!

I called. No one answered. It rings & eventually ends up at an automated message that says to leave a message... God forbid they set up some sort of an automated message on the voice mail that says that they are closed for the day! Even if there is no one in the office to answer the phone, so `blankin'` what?! Having an automated message that says that they are closed for the day, for, of all things, a blizzard that didn't happen, would handle ppl calling to see if they are open.

Not to mention the website; I checked it and there wasn't anything on there that said that they were going to be closed bc of the storm! But, then again, when was the last time that the VMC website was updated with any information whatsoever!? There are broken links, double links, outdated information, etc.

It's a joke!


The upper NE of the United States did get nailed. Philly was spared. We got no blizzard. At all. We had maybe an inch of snow on the ground from a previous snow fall and what we ended up after this late January storm was less than another two inches.

Three inches! Tops. And what we actually have, right now...as I type this, the afternoon on the 27th, is probably less than that.

The VMC was supposed to have been closed for a blizzard! It's not supposed to close for a meager snowfall.


So, some `stuffed suit` ignorant pile of manure saw the forecast and decided that they were going to be closed. They did this without even creating an automated message or putting something on the website that might actually help someone out! They saw the snowfall that we actually got and they didn't want to do their jobs and actually come to work! So, that same `stuffed suit` ignorant pile of manure said..."I'm lazy scum and I ain't doin' jack today!"...

Gee, thanx guys!


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